Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Thanksgiving and Getting Ready for Christmas

We've had a busy week, Emma is getting more teeth and is not feeling so well because of it. And we have colds, Emma, Henry, Momma and Momo. We had a very nice Thanksgiving and ate lots of turkey, cranberries, mashed potatoes, hot rolls, brussel sprouts and pie. Emma saw the Rockettes on the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade and now does "rockettes" (kicks) when she dances! Hilarious. We'll have to try to get a video of her.
On Sunday we decorated the house for Christmas. Bumpa put up lots of lights on the outside of the house and we helped Momo decorate the big tree in the living room - one of us was a little more help than the other - the little yellow haired girl was not into decorating I guess. Bumpa put up the train and Henry cut his foot on a piece of track. So now he has a "boo boo" to show everyone and a Sponge Bob band aid. We thought we were going to have to call the waaaambulance but he stopped crying when sissy gave him a kiss.

We have a Christmas tree in the kitchen with toys on it, one in the living room with lots of stars and lights and one on the porch with flags and stars. We put out the creche with baby Jesus in the manger and we have lots of Santas around the house. Our big play yard has come in handy for keeping us OUT of the big Christmas tree and train. So now that the playyard is busy guarding the tree, we are free to play all over the house and what fun we are having! We can't get into enough stuff - we love the kitchen cabinets and drawers - our Momo has lots of STUFF in there!

And, we just have to share this beautiful sunset!

1 comment:

  1. I recently discovered your blog thanks to my brother. I also have boy/girl twins and here is the funny thing, their names are Henry and Emma! They are three years old and lots of fun!I enjoy reading about your little ones and they are precious. Christmas should be a lot of fun this year.
